Hello dear readers,

3 weeks ago we released our new design and lifted our website into the 21st century. After we first had a background image, then switched to a darker CSS design, we have now arrived in the age of Bright Design. Selected from the brightest colors of the former CSS design and the color white, we have made our website much friendlier. Even the individual boxes, which wanted to make the text easier to read are now no longer necessary and for the most part disappeared.

Source code optimizations

We have made several optimizations to the source code, removed old code and needed more clearly aligned and scaled down code. Removed included files that are no longer needed with the new design. Thus, several lines of code were saved.

CSS optimizations

We also optimized the CSS code, removed bugs and added a better comment.

Optimize the elements

In addition, the background of the menu bar, footer bar and the website itself are flowing together. Both menu and footer are now fixed and always visible. The menu bar has been reduced again and some points have been integrated into the menu item "More/Mehr". Thus, menu bar is now fully visible on the smartphone even in the top form. The social media bar has been integrated into the footer bar from the right side.

Optimizing media content

We've also optimized the image sizes of our thumbnails so they load faster but still look good. At the same time, the video windows were also equipped with the respective wallpaper of the production in which they are integrated. The arrangement of the videos themselves will be further revised soon.

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights

With the help of Google PageSpeed ​​Insights we have also screwed in some places that made our website slower. Now we reach a Mobile Score of 74/100 and a desktop score of 65/100. Both values ​​were previously below 50/100.

We hope you like the new design. Feel free to send us feedback via e-mail.

Your, Nemeth/Star Productions News Blog

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